holy trinity church

Dear Friends,
This Sunday in Holy Trinity we shall welcome two more little children into our Christian family by Baptism. It is always a joy to celebrate and to welcome new life into our fellowship. We hear parents and godparents making vows about the Christian upbringing of their children, and we hope and pray that they will do their best to keep them. But they do need support and we, as a congregation of God’s people, also promise to take our part in the Christian upbringing of these children. For many months now, we have been limited in what we can do for the children, but come the new season, we hope to be allowed to re-start our Sunday School. If anyone feels that this is work in which they can share, please do get in touch with me.
It was a joy for us all to be allowed to sing last Sunday. Congregational singing has always been a vital part of Reformed worship and it felt so unnatural not to be able to express our worship through our praise. Now we can, even if still behind masks, so do enjoy singing with enthusiasm and conviction. We hope it will not be too long before we can remove the masks as well.
We are looking forward to the day when our choirs can be re-formed. We are very privileged both in Dunino and Holy Trinity to have enthusiastic choirs – quite different in nature – but such an important and enhancing part of our worship. Our organists Laura and Walter would be delighted to hear from anyone who feels that they would like to join the choir. There will be a simple audition as some of the music can be quite challenging. But it is great fun, and an important part of our worship.
Slowly, slowly, and with great care, the world is waking up after the pandemic. We have learned so much and have found new ways of sharing the gospel message. But there is nothing that can replace the physical Christian fellowship that we have all missed so much. So do come and join us – you can be sure of a warm welcome.
With Love and Blessings