holy trinity church

Dear Friends,
As most of you know, this summer since the beginning of July has not been easy for me. However, I am glad to report that the broken bone is mended, although my muscles are taking longer to recover. I hope to be back to long walks with Zoomy soon.
However, the reason I am writing this letter is because I have been constantly amazed and so grateful for all the many acts of kindness I have received from members of our congregation during my incapacity. From offers to walk Zoomy to offers to do the shopping, from offers to help with general household tasks, to gifts of flowers and phone calls and unexpected and very welcome visits; all are so much appreciated and have made such a difference. I will not name names, but you all know who you are.
Kindness has been defined as ‘Love in Action’ and it was St Teresa of Avila who said that the nicest thing we could do for our Heavenly Father is to be kind to his children. I know that there are many kind people in our congregation, and I constantly hear of unexpected acts of kindness that have made life better and easier for so many people. Of course, as disciples of Christ, sharing his love in action is what we are all called to do, and if that is the mark of our congregation, then we are in so many ways answering his call.
On 8th September,, and following its success last year, we are planning another ‘Give Church a Go’ Sunday. I am grateful to Alastair for taking the services today and enabling me to have a few days away next week, so there will be no letter next Sunday. This is therefore a note to let you know about this in advance so that you can invite friends to come with you to church and experience the kindness and the fellowship that our Christian community offers to all in the name of Christ.
With love and blessings,