holy trinity church

From your Locum Minister,
During the period when we cannot meet together on a Sunday, it has been suggested that a short Act of Worship that we could all share at our usual time of worship on a Sunday would be appreciated. It would bring us together before God in a spiritual sense whilst we cannot be together in a physical sense. To that end, I will try to prepare a short Act of Worship, including hymns, prayers, readings and a short address for each Sunday. I know not everyone has email, but we will try to reach as many people as possible. If you are able to print this, and would like to deliver it to neighbours through the letter-box, please feel free to do so. Please also feel free to share this with anyone who you think might appreciate it. For this week only, I include a copy of the Moderator’s prayer for you to keep, and also a copy of the leaflet ‘To Help You to Pray’.
If you know of anyone who would like to be included in this mailing list, please ask them to send their name and email address to holytrinitystandrews@gmail.com.