Dear Friends,
As I write it seems that we are going to have to spend yet more weeks in lockdown. For all of us these are difficult times, but for some these restrictions will be more difficult than for others. A wise old minister once said that he knew that God in Christ was always with him, but that there were times when he needed to see God with a skin face. In other words, he felt that he needed to see a real person. That is something we can’t arrange at the moment, but please feel free to pick up the phone to speak to me (01334 208743) or to your elder, and of course, to your friends. And please be assured that we are constantly praying, and doing all we can to help those most vulnerable.
I have been amazed at the amount of caring work that is going on both in our town and in our congregation, and I want to add my personal thanks to all who are doing everything they can to help us keep safe, keep together and feel united and loved in these unprecedented times. And a special word of thanks to Callum for the Easter hymns on Easter Sunday. I’m sure they brought cheer to many people.
Some of you will not have seen the cross in the church garden which Ron has now painted with all the colours of the rainbow. It stands as a symbol of hope for the future and it has been decided to leave the cross where it is for the foreseeable future as a focus for prayer. In the Knox Porch there are some tags for you to use if you can, to write your own prayers and then attach them to the cross. These are for everyone to use and may be a useful help in your personal prayer.
So keep safe, and if you know of anyone who would like to be included in this mailing list, please ask them to send their name and email address to
With love and blessings,