Dear Friends,
At the end of last week, it was suggested to me that it might be helpful for us to have some form of prayer topics to guide our daily prayers. To that end I have prepared a 21 day cycle of topics for prayer; 21 days because that is the period of lockdown before it has to be reviewed again. These are accompanied by a relevant verse of scripture for meditation.
I am grateful to Jan and George Fairlie who helped me in this task and we hope you will find this cycle helpful.
It is interesting that many people are turning to prayer at this challenging time, much more than they would have done in days past. The viewing figures for ‘Reflections on the Quay’ on Sunday mornings are quite astonishing. Also astonishing is the amount of religious broadcasting that there suddenly is on the BBC, much more than there has been in recent years. It all goes to show that when it comes to it, people do want to turn to God for help. It has been wisely said that there are no atheists in a shell hole! I hope and pray that people of other faith communities are being similarly supported by their communities.
As Christians we believe that in the risen Christ and through his spirit, God is always with us. We also believe that we can reflect his love for all people of every faith and none, through our words and actions. I am aware that so many are doing so much in so many ways to reflect that love in our community and beyond and I pray that when lockdown finally ends all of this will continue.
With love and blessings,