Dear Friends,
The week just ending was Christian Aid Week, a week when we traditionally think of the work of that charity and all those who seek to support their work. Unfortunately, it was rather overtaken by our current situation and also with the anniversary of VE day. However, I have based this week’s service around the themes of Christian Aid and hope that you will be able to support their work as you are able.
This week should also have been the beginning of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and some of you will have seen the instillation of the new Moderator, the Rev Dr Martin Fair on Saturday morning. It will be a strange time for him, for he has been installed but, because of the lockdown, he cannot begin his moderatorial duties by chairing the General Assembly, and nor will he be able to begin his travels on behalf of the Church of Scotland. We pray for him in these exceptional circumstances. We also give thanks for the exceptional leadership, of the Rt. Rev Colin Sinclair, the retiring Moderator
Our own circumstances have not changed, although I know that many people hoped that they would. I also know that many people are finding this period of restriction very trying and frustrating. However, I am sure that it is right to continue as we are for a longer period as we seek to beat the virus. Life will return to normal when the time is right, and we must trust those who have our health and the health of the nation at heart to make the right decisions.
Meantime, let us continue to look out for each other and encourage each other as we can. Let us continue to pray for our NHS, our church, our community, our world, and ourselves. And let us do what we can to keep safe and well.
With love and blessings