holy trinity church

Dear Friends,

What a wonderful day of celebration and thanksgiving we enjoyed last Sunday as we welcomed new members by profession of faith and new elders to our Kirk Session and gave certificates to those who have served our congregation for many years. It was a joy also to welcome Rev Fiona Smith back to Holy Trinity as well as families and friends of those taking vows before God. It was a great day, and many people are still talking about it.

But then every Sunday should be a day of celebration and thanksgiving, an occasion when we can come together to celebrate and give thanks for God’s goodness to all his people. The trouble is that Sunday has become a day like any other day for so many, and as such it is easy to forget the source of all that we enjoy.

It used to be that Sunday was noticeably different from the rest of the week, no matter where you lived. But these days that is not the case as industry and commerce goes on as usual. So, it is up to us to show that it is a different day, God’s day.

Last Sunday I was particularly struck by the fact that as the people were leaving the church after the service there were a great many smiling faces. Passers-by were noticing it too. So, let us do what we can to show the joy we have in our faith by the smile on our faces. You may never know how much that smile may help another to come to Christ.

With love and blessings,
