Dear Friends, You will have heard that Captain, now Colonel, Tom Moore is to be knighted. You will also have heard that he feels quite overwhelmed by the honour, and
Read More17 May 2020: Letter from the Locum Minister, Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends, The week just ending was Christian Aid Week, a week when we traditionally think of the work of that charity and all those who seek to support their
Read More10 May 2020: Letter from the Locum Minister, Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends, I trust you are all keeping safe and well, and not becoming too frustrated in these difficult and challenging times. Friday just past was to have been a
Read More3 May 2020: Letter from the Locum Minister, Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends, I trust you are all keeping safe and well. As I write, the country is celebrating the 100th birthday of Captain, now Colonel, Tom Moore and his remarkable
Read More26 April 2020: Letter from the Locum Minister, Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,At the end of last week, it was suggested to me that it might be helpful for us to have some form of prayer topics to guide our daily
Read More19 April 2020: Letter from the Locum Minister, Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,As I write it seems that we are going to have to spend yet more weeks in lockdown. For all of us these are difficult times, but for some
Read More12 April 2020: Letter from the Locum Minister, Rev Marion Paton
Dear friends,HAPPY EASTER! Today we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ from the dead. We celebrate the fact that he has once and for all defeated
Read More2 April 2024: Letter from the Locum Minister, Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,I trust you are all keeping well. It seems so strange not to have seen you for so long – probably like everyone else, I am having withdrawal symptoms.
Read More20 March 2020: Letter from our Locum Minister, Rev Marion Paton
From your Locum Minister,During the period when we cannot meet together on a Sunday, it has been suggested that a short Act of Worship that we could all share at
Read More21 July 2024: Letter from the Locum Minister, Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,A young woman was waiting for a bus in dangerous slum area of a big city one dark evening when a young policeman approached her. ‘Do you want me
Read More29 September 2024: Letter from the Locum Minister, Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,As we look at our world, we see much for which we should be grateful. But we also see much that causes worry and distress to so many people.
Read More22 September 2024: Letter from the Locum Minister, Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,Have you ever played Chinese Whispers? That is the game where someone whispers a message in your ear that you pass on. As the message is passed on from
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