holy trinity church

St Andrews Chorus Concert: Handel Messiah


Global violin superstar Isabelle van Keulen joins the SCO for a concert celebrating works by Schumann & Schubert.

SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2024, 11:15am Service in Holy Trinity


We have a series of services in both Holy Trinity and Dunino during Holy Week. And Holy Trinity Church is open 11am to 3pm each weekday (25-29 March 2024).

Come along and join us!

Wednesday 27th March, 7pm
Service of Meditation in Dunino

Thursday 28th March, 7pm
Maundy Thursday Service and Communion in Holy Trinity

Friday 29th March, 7pm
Good Friday Service in Holy Trinity

Sunday 31st March
09:45am Morning Worship in Dunino
11:15am Morning Worship in Holy Trinity
3pm Children’s Easter Service and Easter Egg Hunt

Holy Trinity Church, South Street, St Andrews is open 11am to 3pm each weekday during Holy Week (25-29th March 2024). Come along and join us!

24th December, Christmas Eve:
9:45am, Service of Lessons & Carols (Dunino)
11:15am, Service of Lessons & Carols (Holy Trinity)
3:00pm, Ecumenical Children’s Carol Service (Holy Trinity)
7:00pm, Watchnight Service (Dunino)
9:30pm, Watchnight Service at St Leonards, bringing in Christmas at Bethlehem time.
11:30pm, Watchnight Service (Holy Trinity)

25th December, Christmas Day:
10:30am, Christmas Communion (Holy Trinity)

31st December:
, Service at Dunino
No service at Holy Trinity

7th January 2024:
11:15am, United Service (Holy Trinity)

Sunday 6th August 2023, 16:00
A First Sunday Concert by the Braudar Duo

Free entry with retiring collection

Monday 31st July 2023, 20:00
Tookula Youth Choir Concert

Free entry with retiring collection

Thursday 6th July, 19:30
Glasgow Orchestral Society Concert

Entry by donation

Wednesday 21st June, 19:30
Madison Youth Choirs Concert

Tuesday 13th June, 18:00
Cantores Minores Concert

Saturday 27th May, 19:30
Pomona College Glee Club and St Andrews Madrigal Group

Sunday 14th May, 18:00
Hetty Buchanan String Quartet

Wednesday 10th May, 19:15
Heinz Chapel Choir Concert

Sunday 7th May, 16:00
The Heisenberg Trio

Friday 5th May, 19:30
Choir & Choral Scholars Concert

Friday 5th May, 15:00
Short Afternoon Service

in the Hunter Memorial Aisle

Sunday 5th March, 16:00
Free concert by Hurley & Crook

Sunday 5th February, 16:00
Free concert by Berman & Faber of Jazz vocal standards

Friday 3rd March, 15:00
Short Afternoon Service in Holy Trinity

Wednesday 18th to Wednesday 25th January 2023

The St Andrews Week of Prayer for Christian Unity starts TODAY (18/01/23).
We will be praying in a different venue each evening – see below.
Come and join us in prayer!

Wednesday 18/01, 7:30 PM, St David’s Centre (community hub)
Thursday 19/01, 7:30 PM, St Marks
Friday, 20/01, 7:30 PM All Saints
Saturday 21/01, 7:30 PM Holy Trinity
Monday 23/01, 5:30 PM St Andrews Episcopal
Tuesday 24/01, 5:30 PM St Leonard’s
Wednesday 25/01, 5:30 PM St Salvator’s Chapel

Saturday 24th December 2022, 15:00
All Age Carol Service

Saturday 3rd December 2022, 19:30 (Doors open 18:45)
St Andrews University Christmas Carol Service

Bringing Christmas to life with carols sung by St Salvator’s Chapel Choir, and a reflection on the Christmas story from the Chaplain, Revd Dr Donald MacEwan.
This service will take place in-person, and will be filmed and available to watch at a later date, a link for which will be published on our Worship, Carol Services web page
The new Christmas CD from St Salvator’s Chapel Choir ‘The Tyger and the Lamb: A Christmas Dance’, will be available to buy on the night at the discounted price of £10. RRP £14.50 available to buy online via the University Online Shop https://onlineshop.st-andrews.ac.uk/…/the-tyger-and-the…

Wednesday 30th November 2022, 19:00
St Andrews & Fife Community Orchestra Concert
Free Admission

Tuesday 29th November 2022, 19:30
St Andrews University Christian Union Christmas Carol Concert
Free Admission

St Andrews Churches Together Holiday Club – Seaside Rock
9th-12th August, 9.45am – Noon
Coming up is the St Andrews Churches Together Holiday Club! This is an amazing week of games, fun, Bible stories and crafts- and it’s FREE! 
If you are interested in signing up your kids then email standrewschurchesholidayclub@email.com
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/St-Andrews-Churches-Holiday-Club-211385692926176

Sunday 24th July 2022, 17:00
The National Youth Choir of Scotland Chamber Choir
Free Admission

St Andrews Churches Together Holiday Club – Seaside Rock
9th-12th August, 9.45am – Noon
Coming up is the St Andrews Churches Together Holiday Club! This is an amazing week of games, fun, Bible stories and crafts- and it’s FREE! 
If you are interested in signing up your kids then email standrewschurchesholidayclub@email.com
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/St-Andrews-Churches-Holiday-Club-211385692926176

Tuesday 5th July 2022, 19:00
A Concert in the church by the Choir of the Mikeladze Central School of Music, Georgia
Admission free with a retiring collection
All welcome!

All Saints Church is holding a Recital in aid of Church Funds
Venue: All Saints Church Hall
Date: Saturday 2nd July
Time: 7.30 pm

Christopher Field (violin)
Stephen Spackman (viola)

Duos by Joseph and Michael Haydn, and by Mozart.

Free admission, Interval refreshments, and paper collection

Sunday 12th June 2022, 19:00
SCO Chorus Concert

Thursday 2nd June 2022, 11:00
Platinum Jubilee Service

Wednesday 11th May 2022, 19:30
St Andrews Madrigal Group Concert

Saturday 16th April 2022, 15:00
Toppings Author Talk: Douglas Stuart

Thursday 17st March 2022, 13:00
Carillon Recital

Wednesday 16th March, 19:30
Scottish Chamber Orchestra Concert

Thursday 10th March & Friday 11th March:
a full programme of Stanza Poetry Festival events in the church from 10:00 each day
See www.stanzapoetry.org for full details.

Tuesday 1st March 2022, 14:00
Carillon Recital

Saturday 12th February 2022, 19:30
Heisenberg Ensemble Concert

Tuesday 30th November 2021, 3pm
St Andrew’s Day Carillon Recital by City Carillonneur Callum MacLeod – listen from Church Square

Thursday 25th November: 7:30pm
St Andrews University Symphony Orchestra Concert

Friday 19th November: 7:30pm
Music Society Concert

Thursday 18th November: 1pm
Scottish Chamber Orchestra

Friday 12th November, 7.30pm
Toppings Author Talk: Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei has written a sweeping memoir that presents a remarkable history of China over the last 100 years while illuminating his artistic process.
At once ambitious and intimate, 1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows offers a deep understanding of the myriad forces that have shaped modern China, and serves as a timely reminder of the urgent need to protect freedom of expression.
We hope that you can join us for a special evening in the company of one of the world’s most esteemed artists.

This years Remembrance Service in Holy Trinity will take place on Sunday 14th November 2021 at 10.45am (please note change of service starting time)

There will be an informal Communion service on Sunday 7th November 2021 at 11.15am in Holy Trinity.

Monday 8th November: 7pm
COP26 Quiz Night
in Holy Trinity Church Halls (KY16 9QF)

Thursday 4th November: 8pm
Toppings Author Talk: Dame Mary Beard

From Beard’s reconstruction of Titian’s extraordinary lost Room of the Emperors to her reinterpretation of Henry VIII’s famous Caesarian tapestries, Twelve Caesars includes some fascinating detective work and offers a gripping story of some of the most challenging and disturbing portraits of power ever created.

Wednesday 3rd November 2021: 7.30pm
Scottish Chamber Orchestra Concert

Tickets at the door or from the Byre Theatre website 

Monday 1st November 2021: 8pm
Toppings Author Talk: Brian Cox

From Titus Andronicus with the RSC to media magnate Logan Roy in HBO’s Succession, Brian Cox has made his name as an actor of unparalleled distinction and versatility. We know him on screen, but few know of his extraordinary life story.
Growing up in Dundee, Scotland, Cox lost his father when he was just eight years old and was brought up by his three elder sisters in the aftermath of his mother’s nervous breakdowns and ultimate hospitalisation. After joining the Dundee Repertory Theatre at the age of fifteen, you could say the rest is history – but that is to overlook the enormous graft that has gone into forging the man we know today.
This is a rags-to-riches life story like no other – a seminal autobiography that both captures Cox’s distinctive voice and his soul. Rich in emotion and meaning, with plenty of laughs along the way, it will be a classic in the vein of What’s It All About by Michael Caine.
We hope you can join us for an unforgettable night with one of Dundee’s most famous sons.

Friday 22nd October 2021: 8pm
Toppings Author Talk: Miriam Margolyes

BAFTA-winning actor, voice-actor extraordinaire, creator of a myriad of unforgettable characters from Lady Whiteadder to Professor Sprout, Miriam Margolyes, OBE, is the nation’s favourite (and naughtiest) treasure. Now, at the age of 80, she has finally decided to tell her extraordinary life story – and it’s well worth the wait.

Wednesday 13th October 2021: 8pm
Toppings Author Talk: Colm Toibin

Toppings is tremendously excited to announce that Colm Tóibín – three time Booker-shortlisted author, and one of our greatest living writers, will be coming to St Andrews.
Doors open at 7:30pm and the talk starts at 8:00pm
Tickets available on the door.

The Guild dedication will take place during the 11.15am Service on Sunday 10th October 2021

Coming up: Sunday 10th October 2021, 4.30pm:
St Andrews Chamber Orchestra Concert

The choir has returned!
On Sunday 26th September the congregation of Holy trinity St Andrews were delighted to welcome the choir, under the leadership of the their Musical Director Walter Blair, back to worship. It has been eighteen months since the choir were last allowed to meet and it was a joy to hear  them singing once again. Holy Trinity has a long tradition of excellent choral music, which is a significant  part of their worship, and the choir offer an Introit and an anthem each week. The choir consists of choral scholars and members of the congregation and anyone who would be interested in joining them should contact Walter Blair to arrange an audition.

Holy Trinity Choir – back in action again!

Tuesday 31st August, 7.30pm:
Steven Moore Concert – Preludes & Encores.
Admission is on a `Pay what you can` basis – Tickets are not required. For more info, see the posters in the church.