Despite COVID, we continue to try to reach out to the needy in our town. Ron Cruickshanks encourages Holy Trinity in these enterprises, faithfully collecting and distributing bags of items given to Storehouse. In 2020 Holy Trinity provided over 500 bags.
Letter received from Storehouse in April 2021
“Thank you so much for everything you have done over the past year to support the work of Storehouse. It has been an incredibly strange year for all of us and without your support and others like you, our work would simply not be possible.
Storehouse has been operating for 15 years and over this past year we gave out 3462 bags of food, an increase from 2244 bags the year before, and we have received 1358 visits from people needing food, up from 1051 in 2019. All this goes to show your support is invaluable and sadly it`s only getting more important as need continues to rise.
Please pass on our gratitude and appreciation to everyone (at Holy Trinity) who has contributed to Storehouse, we are so grateful for you generosity that has made such a difference to those in need.”
If you can’t physically give items, then a donation in an envelope addressed to storehouse through the church letterbox in the Square, or dropped in the offering plate on Sunday will be well used.
Quick Action
Recently a phone call was taken by the church, from a young couple, with two small children. The husband had been made redundant and they didn’t know how to access social security support because they had never been in this situation before.
They had no electricity and had not eaten for four days “I phoned 12 churches and you were the only one who answered” they said.
A quick trip for food bags, a zip down the road and a temporary fix was made. Then they were put in touch with organisations who could provide ongoing support.
Just one small incident- but it ended in a time of prayer from a young family who didn’t know where to turn.

For more information on how you can donate contact Ron Cruickshanks at roncruickshanks@hotmail.co.uk.