Dear Friends,
It is Thursday morning, and the race is on to have everything ready for Helen to print in time for Sunday. We, in this parish, are incredibly fortunate to have Helen to complete all the administrative tasks she undertakes for us, and it is important that we should remember to say ‘Thank You’. It would be so easy to take her for granted. Indeed, it is very easy to take so many people for granted – we simply expect things to happen and forget that someone has to make them happen.
‘Thank you’ are two small words that make a huge difference in every aspect of life. And there are so many people, far too many to list, to whom we should be grateful in every part of our lives. But the question is, do we remember to say ‘Thank you?’ Do we remember to show these people how much they are valued?
And even more importantly, do we remember to say ‘Thank you’ to God for all the blessings and mercies he showers on us every day. Do we remember to say ‘Thank you’ to Jesus who is our friend and companion along life’s way? Or do we take it all for granted?
Here is a very short prayer that we could all use every day as we remember to say ‘Thank you’:
“Thank you, God, for each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything your goodness sends.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
With love and blessings,
Categories: Minister's Blog