holy trinity church

Dear Friends,
Today, as we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion we are delighted to welcome all who have gathered this morning, regular members of our congregation, former members of our congregation, and visitors. We do not have strangers here, only friends that we haven’t met yet! And all are welcome to share in the sacrament.
When Jesus shared his last meal on earth with his disciples and offered them the bread and the wine and said to them ‘This is my body’, ‘This is my blood’ he was following an ancient Jewish custom which said that when a man went on a journey, he would leave something of his own with his friends to show that he would come back. As we know, Jesus owned nothing in a material sense, so offering his body and blood in this form was symbolic of leaving something of himself. However, the bread and the wine that we shall later share are not just historic symbols but living symbols, for we remember Jesus not just as a man who died on the cross, but as one who defeated sin and death and is with us now in his risen form through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The mystery of the Sacrament is therefore a living memorial in which all people are invited to share. So let us come.
With love and blessings,