Dear Friends,Today in the course of my duties for the day, I met a young man who I have never met before. Nothing unusual about that, and we made polite
Read More17th October 2021: Letter from Locum Minister Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,I trust you are all keeping well and are managing to avoid all the viruses that are going around as well as THE virus. At the moment there are
Read More3rd October 2021: Letter from Locum Minister Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,It hardly seems possible that it is harvest time again. The year seems to have flown by so quickly even though there have been so many difficulties along the
Read More26th September 2021: Letter from Locum Minister Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,Today in Holy Trinity, we are so pleased to be welcoming back our choir. It has been such a long time since we have been able to benefit from
Read More19th September 2021: Letter from Locum Minister Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,This Sunday marks the annual Golf Service in Holy Trinity, and we are delighted to welcome the Rev Alistair Bennett as our guest preacher there, together with those golfers
Read More12th September 2021: Letter from Locum Minister Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,Yet, in another sense, we have all learned how important it is to be together. Since I have been home I have been asked to arrange a funeral, and
Read More15th August 2021: Letter from the Locum Minister Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,As many of you will know, last week I travelled to the South of England to conduct the funeral of a very close friend. I had known Hazel for
Read More1st August 2021: Letter from the Locum Minister Rev Marion Paton
Dear FriendsAddressing a letter to friends is always a privilege, and every week as I write to you, it is very special to be able to call everyone who will
Read More25th July 2021: Letter from the Locum Minister Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,‘Father, we thank thee for these thy gifts. Bless them to our use and ourselves to thy service for Christ’s sake. Amen’. So began every meal in my childhood
Read More18th June 2021: letter from the Locum Minister Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,I have just finished writing this week’s service and, as usual, my last job was to insert the hymns into the script to go out by email. In order
Read More11th June 2021: Letter from the Locum Minister Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,Talking to a friend the other evening, I remarked on the fact that it was quite difficult to write a letter every week to go out with the emailed
Read More4th June 2021: Letter from the Locum Minister Rev Marion Paton
Dear Friends,One evening, just before the great Music Hall star Mary Martin was about to go on stage in ‘South Pacific’, a note was handed to her. It was from
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